# Template file for generating the .json file that the Arduino IDE # "Boards Manager" wants to see. This file must be pre-processed # before it will be valid: # Strip comments. # Replace variables: # %VERSION% gets the Optiboot Version # %HASH% gets the SHA-256 has for the .zip file. # (generate with: openssl dgst -sha256 optiboot.zip | sed -e 's/.* //' # %SIZE% gets the size of the .zip file # { "packages": [ { "name": "Optiboot", "maintainer": "westfw", "websiteURL": "https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot", "email": "", "help": { "online": "" }, "platforms": [ { "name": "Optiboot %VERSION%", "architecture": "avr", "version": "0.%VERSION%", # # 3r party packages must use "Contributed" # "category": "Contributed", "help": { "online": "https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot/wiki" }, "url": "https://github.com/Optiboot/optiboot/releases/download/v%VERSION%/Optiboot%VERSION%.zip", "archiveFileName": "optiboot%VERSION%.zip", # # Package file verification data # "checksum": "SHA-256:%HASH%", "size": "%SIZE%", # "boards": [ {"name": "New Optiboot"} ], "toolsDependencies": [ { "packager": "arduino", "name": "avrdude", "version": "6.0.1-arduino5" } ] } ], "tools": [] } ] }