## SmartSwitch - Remote Temperature Control application with schedule (example: car block heater or car battery charger for winter) - Based on [ESP_AsyncFSBrowser](https://github.com/lorol/ESPAsyncWebServer/tree/master/examples/ESP_AsyncFSBrowser) example that uses embedded ACE editor - Wide browser compatibility, no extra server-side needed - HTTP server and WebSocket on same port - Standalone, no JS dependencies for the browser from Internet - [Ace Editor](https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace) embedded to source but also - editable, upgradeable see [extras folder](https://github.com/lorol/ESPAsyncWebServer/tree/master/extras) - Added [ESPAsyncWiFiManager](https://github.com/alanswx/ESPAsyncWiFiManager) and fallback AP mode after timeout - Real Time (NTP) w/ Time Zones. Sync from browser time if in AP mode - Memorized settings to EEPROM - Multiple clients can be connected at same time, they see each other' requests - Authentication variants including [Cookie-based](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/684) idea - Used [this Xtea implementation](https://github.com/franksmicro/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/Xtea) for getting a fancier Cookie token - Default credentials **smart : switch** or only **switch** as password - OTA included - Use the latest ESP8266 ESP32 cores from GitHub