// Ovladani signalizacni chytre LED diody #include "wsLED.h" //#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) //# include "esp_task.h" //#endif // due to linker overriding the ICACHE_RAM_ATTR for cpp files, these methods are // moved into a C file so the attribute will be applied correctly extern "C" void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR send_pixels_800(uint8_t* pixel, size_t count, uint8_t pin); #define countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) static const uint16_t LB[] PROGMEM = { 0x201 , 0x202 , 0x103 , 0x104 , 0x105 , 0x106 , 0x107 , 0x109 , 0x10a , 0x10c , 0x10e , 0x110 , 0x112 , 0x114 , 0x116 , 0x119 , 0x11c , 0x11e , 0x122 , 0x125 , 0x128 , 0x12c , 0x130 , 0x134, 0x139 , 0x13d , 0x142 , 0x147 , 0x14d , 0x152 , 0x158 , 0x15e , 0x165 , 0x16b , 0x172 , 0x179 , 0x180 , 0x187 , 0x18e , 0x196 , 0x19d , 0x1a5 , 0x1ac , 0x1b3 , 0x1bb , 0x1c2 , 0x1c9 , 0x1cf, 0x1d6 , 0x1dc , 0x1e2 , 0x1e7 , 0x1ec , 0x1f0 , 0x1f4 , 0x1f7 , 0x1fa , 0x1fc , 0x1fd , 0x3fe , 0x1fd , 0x1fb , 0x1f8 , 0x1f5 , 0x1f2 , 0x1ed , 0x1e9 , 0x1e4 , 0x1de , 0x1d8 , 0x1d2 , 0x1cb, 0x1c4 , 0x1bd , 0x1b6 , 0x1af , 0x1a7 , 0x1a0 , 0x198 , 0x191 , 0x18a , 0x182 , 0x17b , 0x174 , 0x16d , 0x167 , 0x161 , 0x15a , 0x154 , 0x14f , 0x149 , 0x144 , 0x13f , 0x13a , 0x136 , 0x131, 0x12d , 0x12a , 0x126 , 0x123 , 0x11f , 0x11c , 0x11a , 0x117 , 0x115 , 0x112 , 0x110 , 0x10e , 0x10c , 0x10b , 0x109 , 0x108 , 0x107 , 0x105 , 0x104 , 0x203 , 0x102 , 0x201 , 0x2a00 }; inline bool wsLED::canShow(void) { return (micros() - _endtime) >= 70L; } void wsLED::show(void) { uint8_t color[3]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/wiki/FastLED-Color-Correction uint16_t c = (uint16_t)_color[i] * (1 + (uint16_t)_scale); color[i] = (uint8_t)(c >> 8); } while (!canShow()) __asm__ volatile ("nop"); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) // uint32_t volatile register ilevel = XTOS_DISABLE_ALL_INTERRUPTS; portENTER_CRITICAL(&_mux); #else noInterrupts(); #endif send_pixels_800(color, 1, _pin); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) // XTOS_RESTORE_INTLEVEL(ilevel); portEXIT_CRITICAL(&_mux); #else interrupts(); #endif _endtime = micros(); } wsLED::wsLED(int pin, int order) { _pin = pin; _order = order; } void wsLED::begin(void) { pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT); _color[0] = _color[1] = _color[2] = 0; show(); } void wsLED::setColor(LEDRGB &color) { _color[(_order >> 6) & 7] = color.r; _color[(_order >> 3) & 7] = color.g; _color[_order & 7] = color.b; } void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR wsLED::rtLed(void) { switch (_ledState) { case LED_BLINK: _scale = 0xff; if (_subState) { _subState = 0; setColor(_color2); } else { _subState = 1; setColor(_color1); } show(); break; case LED_BREATH: { ++_subState; _subState %= countof(LB); uint16_t val = pgm_read_word(&LB[_subState]); _scale = (uint8_t)val; show(); val >>= 8; _handler.attach_ms(30ul * val, lh, this); break; } default: _handler.attach_ms(300, lh, this); // jen pomale casovani break; } } void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR wsLED::lh(wsLED *ptr) { wsLED *pled = ptr; pled->rtLed(); } void wsLED::setColors(LEDRGB color1, LEDRGB color2) { _color1 = color1; _color2 = color2; } void wsLED::blink(int speed) { _handler.detach(); _ledState = LED_BLINK; _subState = 1; _handler.attach_ms(300, lh, this); } void wsLED::breath(void) { _handler.detach(); _ledState = LED_BREATH; _subState = 0; setColor(_color1); _handler.attach_ms(1, lh, this); } void wsLED::setOrder(int neworder) { _order = neworder; }