/* BlinkRGB Demonstrates usage of onboard RGB LED on some ESP dev boards. Calling digitalWrite(RGB_BUILTIN, HIGH) will use hidden RGB driver. RGBLedWrite demonstrates controll of each channel: void neopixelWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t red_val, uint8_t green_val, uint8_t blue_val) WARNING: After using digitalWrite to drive RGB LED it will be impossible to drive the same pin with normal HIGH/LOW level */ //#define RGB_BRIGHTNESS 64 // Change white brightness (max 255) // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // No need to initialize the RGB LED } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { #ifdef RGB_BUILTIN digitalWrite(RGB_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn the RGB LED white delay(1000); digitalWrite(RGB_BUILTIN, LOW); // Turn the RGB LED off delay(1000); neopixelWrite(RGB_BUILTIN,RGB_BRIGHTNESS,0,0); // Red delay(1000); neopixelWrite(RGB_BUILTIN,0,RGB_BRIGHTNESS,0); // Green delay(1000); neopixelWrite(RGB_BUILTIN,0,0,RGB_BRIGHTNESS); // Blue delay(1000); neopixelWrite(RGB_BUILTIN,0,0,0); // Off / black delay(1000); #endif }