#!/bin/bash if [ -z $IDF_PATH ]; then export IDF_PATH="$PWD/esp-idf" fi if [ -z $IDF_BRANCH ]; then IDF_BRANCH="release/v4.4" fi if [ -z $AR_PR_TARGET_BRANCH ]; then AR_PR_TARGET_BRANCH="master" fi if [ -z $IDF_TARGET ]; then if [ -f sdkconfig ]; then IDF_TARGET=`cat sdkconfig | grep CONFIG_IDF_TARGET= | cut -d'"' -f2` if [ "$IDF_TARGET" = "" ]; then IDF_TARGET="esp32" fi else IDF_TARGET="esp32" fi fi IDF_COMPS="$IDF_PATH/components" IDF_TOOLCHAIN="xtensa-$IDF_TARGET-elf" # Owner of the target ESP32 Arduino repository AR_USER="espressif" # The full name of the repository AR_REPO="$AR_USER/arduino-esp32" AR_REPO_URL="https://github.com/$AR_REPO.git" if [ -n $GITHUB_TOKEN ]; then AR_REPO_URL="https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/$AR_REPO.git" fi AR_ROOT="$PWD" AR_COMPS="$AR_ROOT/components" AR_OUT="$AR_ROOT/out" AR_TOOLS="$AR_OUT/tools" AR_PLATFORM_TXT="$AR_OUT/platform.txt" AR_ESPTOOL_PY="$AR_TOOLS/esptool.py" AR_GEN_PART_PY="$AR_TOOLS/gen_esp32part.py" AR_SDK="$AR_TOOLS/sdk/$IDF_TARGET" function get_os(){ OSBITS=`arch` if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux"* ]]; then if [[ "$OSBITS" == "i686" ]]; then echo "linux32" elif [[ "$OSBITS" == "x86_64" ]]; then echo "linux64" elif [[ "$OSBITS" == "armv7l" ]]; then echo "linux-armel" else echo "unknown" return 1 fi elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then echo "macos" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ]]; then echo "win32" else echo "$OSTYPE" return 1 fi return 0 } AR_OS=`get_os` export SED="sed" export SSTAT="stat -c %s" if [[ "$AR_OS" == "macos" ]]; then export SED="gsed" export SSTAT="stat -f %z" fi function git_commit_exists(){ #git_commit_exists local repo_path="$1" local commit_message="$2" local commits_found=`git -C "$repo_path" log --all --grep="$commit_message" | grep commit` if [ -n "$commits_found" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi } function git_branch_exists(){ # git_branch_exists local repo_path="$1" local branch_name="$2" local branch_found=`git -C "$repo_path" ls-remote --heads origin "$branch_name"` if [ -n "$branch_found" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi } function git_pr_exists(){ # git_pr_exists local pr_num=`curl -s -k -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw+json" "https://api.github.com/repos/$AR_REPO/pulls?head=$AR_USER:$1&state=open" | jq -r '.[].number'` if [ ! "$pr_num" == "" ] && [ ! "$pr_num" == "null" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi } function git_create_pr(){ # git_create_pr local pr_branch="$1" local pr_title="$2" local pr_target="$3" local pr_body="" for component in `ls "$AR_COMPS"`; do if [ ! $component == "arduino" ] && [ -d "$AR_COMPS/$component/.git" ]; then pr_body+="$component: "$(git -C "$AR_COMPS/$component" symbolic-ref --short HEAD)" "$(git -C "$AR_COMPS/$component" rev-parse --short HEAD)"\r\n" fi done local pr_data="{\"title\": \"$pr_title\", \"body\": \"$pr_body\", \"head\": \"$AR_USER:$pr_branch\", \"base\": \"$pr_target\"}" git_create_pr_res=`echo "$pr_data" | curl -k -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw+json" --data @- "https://api.github.com/repos/$AR_REPO/pulls"` local done_pr=`echo "$git_create_pr_res" | jq -r '.title'` if [ ! "$done_pr" == "" ] && [ ! "$done_pr" == "null" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi }