BugFix, ktery opravuje nepouziti staticke adresy v SDK2.2.1(cfd48f3)
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"type": "git",
"url": "http://git.xpablo.cz/pablo2048/WiFiConfig.git"
"version": "5.5",
"version": "5.7",
"license": "MIT",
"frameworks": "arduino",
"platforms": "espressif8266",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
author=Pavel Brychta
maintainer=Pavel Brychta <Pablo@xpablo.cz>
sentence=Enables seamless module configuration.
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
* V5.7 - 4.7.2018 - BugFix - staticka konfigurace ip adresy se neuplatnila - vypada to, jako kdyby SDK ukladalo SSID a Password, ale uz neuklada
* konfiguraci ip adres, takze je treba je vzdycky nastavit znovu
* V5.6 - 1.7.2018 - BugFix - odstraneno volani _plusDecode, protoze parametry jsou nyni predavany v 'ciste' forme uz z weboveho serveru a tato metoda znehodnotila retezce, ktere obsahovaly ynak '+'
* V5.5 - 3.6.2018 - Flash Chip ID a ESP Chip ID jsou zobrazeny hexadecimalne v prehledove strance
* V5.4 - 9.1.2018 - na titulni stranku pridan duvod, proc je spusteny konfiguracni AP. Usnadni to diagnostiku pripadu, kdy se ESP nechce pripojit k AP.
@ -494,14 +499,6 @@ void WiFiConfig::_handleDisplayAP(void)
server->send(200, TEXTHTML, content);
// Deal with (potentially) plus-encoded ssid/pass
void WiFiConfig::_plusDecode(String &s)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
s[i] = (s[i] == '+' ? ' ' : s[i]);
void WiFiConfig::_handleSetAP(void)
uint8_t mode;
@ -511,11 +508,9 @@ void WiFiConfig::_handleSetAP(void)
str = server->arg(F("_s"));
if (str.length() > 0)
setEEPROMString(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ssid), elementSize(wificonfigarea_t, ssid), str);
str = server->arg(F("_p"));
setEEPROMString(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, pass), elementSize(wificonfigarea_t, pass), str);
str = server->arg(F("_n"));
@ -585,17 +580,21 @@ void WiFiConfig::_handleSetAP(void)
DEBUG_MSG("STA mode.\r\n");
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // startujeme WiFi v rezimu klienta
if (strlen(WiFiDeviceName))
WiFi.hostname(WiFiDeviceName); // nastavime jmeno zarizeni
WiFi.begin(s.c_str(), pass.c_str());
if (IPCONFIG_STATIC == EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ip)))
DEBUG_MSG("Static configuration.\r\n");
WiFi.config(IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ipaddr))), IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, gateway))),
IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, netmask))), IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, dns))));
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // startujeme WiFi v rezimu klienta
WiFi.begin(s.c_str(), pass.c_str());
@ -603,14 +602,20 @@ void WiFiConfig::_handleSetAP(void)
DEBUG_MSG("AP mode.\r\n");
WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); // startujeme AP
if (pass.length())
// je zadane heslo do AP
// je zadane heslo do AP
WiFi.softAP(s.c_str(), pass.c_str(), EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, apchannel)));
// otevreny AP
WiFi.softAP(s.c_str(), NULL, EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, apchannel)));
// otevreny AP
WiFi.softAP(s.c_str(), NULL, EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, apchannel)));
if (IPCONFIG_STATIC == EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ip)))
WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ipaddr))), IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, gateway))),
IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, netmask))));
default: // jakykoliv neznamy rezim (mozna zavada na EEPROM???)
@ -744,6 +749,12 @@ wificonfigresult_t WiFiConfig::begin(int configarea, uint8_t forceConfigure, wif
WiFi.hostname(WiFiDeviceName); // nastavime jmeno zarizeni
if (IPCONFIG_STATIC == EEPROM.read(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ip)))
DEBUG_MSG("Static configuration SET.\r\n");
WiFi.config(IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, ipaddr))), IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, gateway))),
IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, netmask))), IPAddress(getEEPROMuint32(configBase + offsetof(wificonfigarea_t, dns))));
DEBUG_MSG("STA mode.\r\n");
if (WC_DONT_RUN_CONFIGAP == _timeout)
result = WCR_CONFIGAP_NOT_STARTED; // nemame spoustet konfiguracni AP - vracime se hned
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ private:
void _handleRoot(); // jen jednoducha stranka kvuli CaptivePortalu umoznuje prejit na spravnou stranku (ale nedela to...)
bool _testWifi(wificonfig_cb cb);
WiFiConfigUsrParameter *_searchUsrParameter(const char *name);
void _plusDecode(String &s);
WiFiConfigUsrParameter *_params; // ukazatel na posledni zadany uzivatelsky parametr
int _timeout; // timeout pri cekani na konfiguraci
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static const char PAGE_INDEX2[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
<label><input id='_st' name='_st' type='checkbox' style="width: 10%; float: left; margin-top: 5px;" onclick='hSC();' {a}>Staticka IP konfigurace</label>
<label><input id='_st' name='_st' type='checkbox' style="width: 10%; float: left; margin-top: 5px;" onclick='hSC();' {c}>Staticka IP konfigurace</label>
<div id="staticip">
<label>IP adresa<br><input type="text" name="_i" pattern='((^|\.)((25[0-5])|(2[0-4]\d)|(1\d\d)|([1-9]?\d))){4}$' title='ip adresa ve formatu <cislo>.<cislo>.<cislo>.<cislo>' value='{i}'></label><br>
<label>Síťová maska<br><input type="text" name="_m" pattern='((^|\.)((25[0-5])|(2[0-4]\d)|(1\d\d)|([1-9]?\d))){4}$' title='ip adresa ve formatu <cislo>.<cislo>.<cislo>.<cislo>' value='{m}'></label><br>
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