- [@ayushsharma82](https://github.com/ayushsharma82) and [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Add RP2040 support ([#31](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/31))
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): `SSE_MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES` to control the maximum number of messages that can be queued for a SSE client
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): `write()` function public in `AsyncEventSource.h`
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): `WS_MAX_QUEUED_MESSAGES`: control the maximum number of messages that can be queued for a Websocket client
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Added `setCloseClientOnQueueFull(bool)` which can be set on a client to either close the connection or discard messages but not close the connection when the queue is full
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Added `StreamConcat` example to show how to stream multiple files in one response
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Added all flavors of `binary()`, `text()`, `binaryAll()` and `textAll()` in `AsyncWebSocket`
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Arduino Json 7 compatibility and backward compatible with 6 and 6 (changes in `AsyncJson.h`). The API to use Json has not changed. These are only internal changes.
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): CI
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Depends on `mathieucarbou/Async TCP @ ^3.1.4`
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Deployed in PlatformIO registry and Arduino IDE library manager
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Firmware size optimization: remove mbedtls dependency (accounts for 33KB in firmware)
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Made DEFAULT_MAX_SSE_CLIENTS customizable
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Made DEFAULT_MAX_WS_CLIENTS customizable
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Remove filename after inline in Content-Disposition header according to RFC2183
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Removed SPIFFSEditor to reduce library size and maintainance. SPIFF si also deprecated. If you need it, please copy the files from the original repository in your project. This fork focus on maintaining the server part and the SPIFFEditor is an application which has nothing to do inside a server library.
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Resurrected `AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer` and `makeBuffer()` in order to make the fork API-compatible with the original library from me-no-dev regarding WebSocket.
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Some code cleanup
- [@mathieucarbou](https://github.com/mathieucarbou): Use `-D DEFAULT_MAX_WS_CLIENTS` to change the number of allows WebSocket clients and use `cleanupClients()` to help cleanup resources about dead clients
- [@nilo85](https://github.com/nilo85): Add support for Auth & GET requests in AsyncCallbackJsonWebHandler ([#14](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/14))
- [@p0p-x](https://github.com/p0p-x): ESP IDF Compatibility (added back CMakeLists.txt) ([#32](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/32))
- [@tueddy](https://github.com/tueddy): Compile with Arduino 3 (ESP-IDF 5.1) ([#13](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/13))
- [@vortigont](https://github.com/vortigont): Set real "Last-Modified" header based on file's LastWrite time ([#5](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/5))
- [@vortigont](https://github.com/vortigont): Some websocket code cleanup ([#29](https://github.com/mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer/pull/29))
The fork from `yubox-node-org` introduces some breaking API changes compared to the original library, especially regarding the use of `std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>>` for WebSocket.
This fork is compatible with the original library from `me-no-dev` regarding WebSocket, and wraps the optimizations done by `yubox-node-org` in the `AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer` class.