Notifications is a Javascript library for notifications heavily inspired by toastr but does not require any dependencies such as jQuery.
Works on browsers: IE9+, Safari, Chrome, FireFox, opera, edge
npm Installation
Do either
npm i styled-notifications
or add the following to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"styled-notifications": "^1.0.1"
Download files from the dist folder and then:
Link to notifications.css
<link href="notifications.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Link to notifications.js
<script src="notifications.js"></script>
Custom options
- closeOnClick - Close the notification dialog when a click is invoked.
- displayCloseButton - Display a close button in the top right hand corner of the notification.
- positionClass - Set the position of the notification dialog. Accepted positions: ('nfc-top-right', 'nfc-bottom-right', 'nfc-bottom-left', 'nfc-top-left').
- onClick <function(event)> - Call a callback function when a click is invoked on a notification.
- showDuration - Milliseconds the notification should be visible (0 for a notification that will remain open until clicked)
- theme - Set the position of the notification dialog. Accepted positions: ('success', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'A custom clasName').
const defaultOptions = {
closeOnClick: true,
displayCloseButton: false,
positionClass: 'nfc-top-right',
onclick: false,
showDuration: 3500,
theme: 'success'
Success notification
// Create a success notification instance
const successNotification = window.createNotification({
theme: 'success',
showDuration: 5000
// Invoke success notification
message: 'Simple success notification'
// Use the same instance but pass a title
title: 'Working',
message: 'Simple success notification'
Information notification
// Only running it once? Invoke immediately like this
theme: 'success',
showDuration: 5000
message: 'I have some information for you...'
1. Add to NPM
2. Improve documentation
3. Further device testing
4. Add contributor instructions