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ESP Async WebServer

License: LGPL 3.0 Continuous Integration PlatformIO Registry

Async Web Server for ESP31B

This fork is based on and includes all the concurrency fixes.


  • SPIFFSEditor is removed
  • Arduino Json 7 compatibility
  • Deployed in PlatformIO registry and Arduino IDE library manager
  • CI
  • Only supports ESP32


Usage and API stays the same as the original library. Please look at the original libraries for more examples and documentation.


The fork from yubox introduces some breaking API changes compared to the original library, especially regarding the use of std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> for WebSocket. Thanks to this fork, you can handle them by using ASYNCWEBSERVER_FORK_mathieucarbou.

Here is an example for serializing a Json document in a websocket message buffer directly. This code is compatible with both forks.

void send(JsonDocument& doc) {
  const size_t len = measureJson(doc);

#if defined(ASYNCWEBSERVER_FORK_mathieucarbou)

  // this fork (originally from yubox-node-org), uses another API with shared pointer that better support concurrent use cases then the original project
  auto buffer = std::make_shared<std::vector<uint8_t>>(len);
  assert(buffer); // up to you to keep or remove this
  serializeJson(doc, buffer->data(), len);


  // original API from me-no-dev
  AsyncWebSocketMessageBuffer* buffer = _ws->makeBuffer(len);
  assert(buffer); // up to you to keep or remove this
  serializeJson(doc, buffer->get(), len);
